[description of blog is meant to go here. sorry we have nothing witty or creative to put here]

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Mop and Suzie’s theory on …. The Perth Police Force

A lot of people whinge about cops. They thing that these fellas in blue are corrupt and a waste of tax-payers. We think that they do a GREAT job and that they are pillars of the community for sure.

Reasons why cops are great Number 1 – Protecting us from danger
Well…this is the obvious answer. We like the fact that police presence can deter criminals and make us feel safe. Even though Perth is apparently one of the safest cities in the world (that is a quote from an 8 year old so don’t hold us to that one).

Reasons why cops are great Number 2 – Scaring naughty kids
There are a lot of bratty kids around and it is fantastic to use phrases such as “the policeman will get you if you do that”, “That is illegal, you can get put in jail for that”, “I’m calling the police.” Nothing like a good threat to get these kids in line.

Reasons why cops are great Number 3 – Free Rides
Every now and again, police see girls walking around at night and do the truly gentlemanly thing of asking them if they are allright. The answer to this must always be “No, Officer, I can’t get home, is there any way you can drop me at [insert location here].” This strategy also saves you a taxi.

Reasons why cops are great Number 4 – The Hat Factor
Walking between pubs and clubs can be a boring and tedious task at times, however when there are police present, there is always the opportunity to have a chat to one of them and ask if you can wear their hat. It is somewhat surprising the number of police officers that agree to this…..and the number of photos we have to prove it!

Reasons why cops are great Number 5 – Entertainment Value
Although not all cops can be this great, on Tuesday night / Wednesday morning we met two lovely boys in blue who kept us entertained for a good hour or so. We decided to go for a walk but were distracted by two pillars of the community who helped us pull a great stunt on our friends….they rocked up at our front door and threatened to arrest them. It was hilarious. They hung around for a good half an hour having a chat and they were entertaining even though they spend a decent amount of time taking the piss out of Suzie’s glasses.

In conclusion we have found that the saying “treat others the way you would like to be treated” applies when interacting with the Police Force. Be friendly and reasonable and they will often do the same. Except for some of those nasty traffic cops….


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you guys are hilarious! Keep it real...thanks for your all your voting love Suzie... ;) Nice headpiece mop.


Vote for Antistatic "Underwhelmed"
ladies and gents...we'll love you forever. Please post more funny stories soon...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:49:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think cops are funny when im sticking my head in their window (Mop i dont even remember this) n when i get to play in their hats but f...k those traffic cops man! Mop I hope u havent forgotten that nasty inncient on the way to the sky show where we were searched no for reason at all!

Thursday, March 17, 2005 7:53:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girls,
I'm devastated that I didn't know about this site earlier, it has brightened an otherwise depressing day at work!! So jealous though.... I wanna be mentioned on the posts, damn my leaving. sounds like youre having a ball, keep it coming ladeez!
Love Jen xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:47:00 PM


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