[description of blog is meant to go here. sorry we have nothing witty or creative to put here]

Friday, June 17, 2005

Mop and Suzie's theory on ... Humour

What is funny? Why is it that the things seen as humourous can differ so widely between people? We don't know, but we have decided that there are different forms of humour, as classified below:

Type of humour Number 1: The JACKASS humour
This type of humour usually involves some sort of shock value, pain or destruction. This kind of humour is the sort that often makes you think "Why would someone do that?"

Type of humour Number 2: The Mop and Suzie humour
This is usually just silly humour that we find extremely amusing and most other people do not. For example 'Rare Sea Horse' and the new game we invented on Saturday night where you have to try and fit the words Darth, Vadar, krkrckckrrrrr, Luke, I am your father and lightsaber to the tune of various songs played at pubs.

Type of humour Number 3: The intelligent humour
We don't usually understand this type of humour.... But we think it is when people use their knowledge on topics and manipulate such knowledge in a way that becomes funny. We attempt this humour often but are yet to discover it's true power.

Type of humour Number 4: Nerd humour
An example of this is when one nerd says to another nerd "well I think you should www.getalife.com." or "I'll RAM your hard drive." Usually only nerds find this funny. Sadly, forementioned Star Wars humour could also fit into this category.

Type of humour Number 5: Toilet humour
So-called 'comedians' such as Kevin Bloody Wilson and Rodney Rude have risen to great fame purely through the use of words such as; tits, fuck, arse, dick, McAsshole, brewery, nympho, lesbian, root, knob, your mum, knockers etc. Arrange the words in any order to create a song or spoken dialogue and apparently it will be funny. We, or course, are far above this sort of humour.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tend to think there are only two categories: Things That Are Funny, and Things That Aren't.

An example of a Thing That Is Funny:
Monty Python skits when you're 15.

An example of a Thing That Is Not Funny: 15 year old Monty Python fans when you are 30.

Saturday, June 18, 2005 12:39:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anything I do is funny

Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:36:00 AM

Blogger Jellyfish said...

My goodness, you girls form WA are funny.

Yours lurkingly,


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:42:00 AM


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