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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Mop says: Big Brother; so not hot right now?

I think it is one of those things when it comes to Big Brother - you either love it or you hate it. I think that I probably stand alone, in that I watch it, because there is nothing better on TV, and this will usually only last for a maximum of half an hour before I can't stand it any longer. Quite frankly, I really do not have a lot of interest in this show at all, particularly this year and the whinging lot of people that are in the house, mostly it just annoys me, but I do however find it quite fascinating the stir that it brings to our society.

Recently, NineMSN pubilshed an article which outlined groups condemning Big Brother's Uncut show, because of an incident between Gianna and Michael, where he was "massaging" her, standing behind her with his "penis exposed". Now, he didn't seem to mind, Gianna (although unaware) didn't seem to mind (once she was actually aware of the situation), and the producers of the show did not seem to mind. In fact, the only people who did seem to care were the "family organisations and women's groups" who find this behaviour degrading to both sexes, and even going as far as calling these actions sexual harassment.

However, the thing that annoys me the most, is that they claim that Uncut is not screened on our televisions late enough, and should not be "poured into our living rooms". But really, what right-minded, responsible parent would let their children still be awake at 9:30pm on a Monday night, and then again even allow their young children, or teenage children to watch this programme? 9:30pm has always been the time that "adult" shows were allowed to be screened on our TVs. Channel 10 has in no way broken these classifications. Rather than blame Big Brother, how about we blame the irresponsible parents of Australia, where if they are not happy with current TV programming, why don't they just switch it off and go read a book?

How about these so called "family organisations and women's groups" spend there time actually helping out real cases of sexual harassment, or teaching parents that it is not okay for their children to be watching such shows, particularly when they should be learning or studying, rather than waste their time preaching about a harmless television show that they clearly have no interest in watching. For the record, there is plenty more on TV to watch than the pointless antics on Big Brother; you'll find a TV guide in Saturday's West Australian.

You'll find this fantastic display of political correctness at:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The scenes from crime dramas are often much more disturbing than a bit of "exposed penis." Yes, I admit, the sight of an "exposed penis" is not exactly beautiful but its better than the kids seeing murder and rape being depicted on a range of shows that can be viewed from 8:30 almost every night of the week.

And Mop neglected to mention that the main reason that she watched big bro is cos i put it on!! It is one of the only shows I watch and I find it an incredibly interesting human experiment.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 3:16:00 PM

Blogger Mel said...

I hate the whole "women's group" hysteria. How dare those prudish, shrewish women presume to speak on my behalf! And I'm a hairy-pitted card-carrying feminist from way back.

Ok, so the hair may be gone now, but my feminist credentials are still fairly sound otherwise...

Viva la dick!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 4:30:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ok, so the hair may be gone now,"

is that the full Brazilian?

yes I'm a sick person, ask Suz for details!

Friday, June 10, 2005 12:05:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grabman; so not hot right now...

Friday, June 10, 2005 3:50:00 PM

Blogger Mel said...

Ha ha no we're just talking pits here....!

Some areas simply demand hair coverage.

Friday, June 10, 2005 4:46:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Big Brother is brillaint! I would love to enter the house even if there is knobs hanging around the place!
I also agree with Suzies commments and it feels like forever since ive seen u n moppy but cant wait to come to the couch n watch BB05 some more!

Monday, June 13, 2005 1:26:00 PM


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