The $500 Date
Our love for The West Magazine and the "Go Figure" statistics, has given us new ideas for our blog, seeing as we are apparently bored (Shendelle).
This week, we found out that the average cost of a date in Britain is $500. Now, most of you who haven't previously read this magazine, are probably thinking exactly the same as we were - $500 is a hell of a lot of money to spend on a date (well, even 250 Pounds). We have devised a number of dates that we think $500 would be usful for.
The Adventure Date:
Consisting of a bungee jump for two in the morning, then spending the rest of the day running around Adventure World, eating chips and hotdogs, and "drinking" out of a paper bag.
The Road Trip Date:
Buy two one-way tickets to Sydney on Virgin Blue, spend the left over money on alcohol for the flight over, and then think of it as a game, as to how to get home (We think hitch-hiking is a great idea). *Note: this would also be a way of having an extended date.
The Rebel Date:
Purchase a hotel room at the Rendevous Observation City, turn every "Do not disturb / Please make up my room" sign to the opposite on every door in the hotel. We figure a room costs about $271 for the night. An additional $200 could be used to exchange in to 5c pieces, that could be used to throw off the balcony at the 16 year old losers going to the Lookout. Remaining $29 to be spent on Goon (how's that for value?).
The I'm-Trying-My-Hardest-to-Get-a-Shag Date
Multiple bottles of Moet, lobster, oysters, candles, new satin sheets, bubble bath, sexy lingerie (for him or her), a gramophone with Andy Williams singing Moon River on record, a calendar that shows when full moons occur to ensure that you will be able to dance in the moonlight. If that doesn't get 'em into bed, nothing will.
The Selfish Date
Inviting potential partner to come shopping and watch you spend $500 on yourself.
The Pimp Daddy Date:
This wonderful date consists of purchasing a video camera, followed by some all night shenanigans in the bedroom. Recordings of such acts could be sold on the internet, and Hey! Presto!, you got your $500 back.
The Nerd Date:
Spend approximately 18 hours playing old-school "Pacman" at The Deen, drinks could also be included, as well as a photo booth challenge (for more information see Little Amy).
The Date of All Dates:
$500 buys a hell of a lot of Scarborough Pizza. We have a spa and the ingredients to make Cosmops and Squashed Rats. To add to this, we have an extensive range of DVDs, a couch, beds, blankets. That's all we have to say about that......any takers ;o)
Well I personally am a fan of the Sydney date! I think the idea of hitch hiking is fun and fine to do in a place like broome coz u never no what country bumpkin is gonna give a ride hehe(as i did it many a time with amy) but in Sydney i dont think it would be so safe - u never no what crazy bag man might give u a lift
Also in relation to the photo booth challenge: the offical winner is Mop! Me n Amy are both very dissapointed in ourselves becoz losing such a great game is devastating
Tuesday, May 24, 2005 8:43:00 AM
Put me down for a "Selfish Date". Make sure he has big biceps though. He carries all the bags, right?
Tuesday, May 24, 2005 4:58:00 PM
I personally like the goon bag idea.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005 6:21:00 PM
I personally am an advocate of the selfish date!
Although i do think that a true she-monster legend would be able to convince her date to fork out the $500 for said shopping spree... Having said that they would probably get in the way of a true spending frenzy, therefore I propose they supply the money and just ferry you to and from shops in a very big flash limo...
I've said it before and i'll say it again...
I don't think thats asking a lot!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:47:00 PM
The Date of All Dates:
This sounds like a winner!!
Question though, you say "We have a spa." Does that mean the date involves both of you? If so it becomes a double date!!!
Also as for the Cosmops etc can we stick to bourbon or beer, homebrew of course!
Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:30:00 AM
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