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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Suzie the Hard Core Loner : A half arsed review

Turns out none of my friends like the same music as I do so I went to the Antistatic, Karnivool and Cog BY MYSELF! This is the first time I have done this since I went to see Tool at the Entertainment Centre by myself a few years back. I was fortunate enough to get the third last ticket, thanks to Chels who works behind the bar at the Rosemount.
I wanted to go to this gig because I really like Antistatic and I think they are one of the best local bands Perth has to offer. I have heard a but of Karnivool but never heard them live so I though this would be a good opportunity. The hype around Cog suggests that they are the "best rock band in Australia" and although I wasnt a huge fan of the songs I had heard I though it might be good to see them as a live act.
I arrived just in time to see the start of Antistatic's set. They were playing a lot of new material which I thought was awesome. Apparently they are sick of playing their old songs and the nu-metal image that thir music portrays. I was a little disappointed as I love Dilate and I didnt hear it. They got the mosh pit cranking for Underwhelmed, proabably as this was one of the few songs recognised by the crowd (which was pretty strong by this time).
While waiting for Karnivool I managed to find some friends (Jarrad and friends from Hope Here Gone, Sarag G, girls from work and some various randoms asking for a black pen to scam their way in...). I also managed to score a free bourbon and coke woohoo. By the time Karnivool were on, the venue was pretty packed. Although I didn't know their material terribly well, I though Karnivool were awesome. I did think the singer looked rather retarded at times with the whole pulling faces things but his vocals were amazing so it's OK. I bought Themata and am looking forward to seeing these fellas agin.
By the time Cog FINALLY set up and started to play I was getting tired and bored (oooh I am getting old, it wasnt even midnight yet). The first song was great, the second one average, the third one shit and involved a whole heap of political proghanda abou anarchy which pissed me off (I dont care what the song is, don't preach to me). I left after the fourth song, which I think is a pretty clear sign that Cog are not the "best rock band in Australia." I will leave that title to the Butterfly Effect...
*PS - I wrote this small becasue it is so damn long and I dont really know what I am talking about in the music world :o) Dont bag me!
From Suzie the Hard Core Loner


Anonymous Anonymous said...

suzie - i woulda went with ya mate! karnivool woulda been cool but all for $15? that's a bargain! (Disclaimer: I was in no way forced to write this. suzie is not a loner and has heaps of friends, just not on this night in particular)

Saturday, May 21, 2005 6:19:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha todd you are SUCH a great friend.

I just read that post and it sounds so school-teacherish. doh. It hasn't even been a year yet and i'm turning TEACHER!

Saturday, May 21, 2005 7:05:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't do it!!!!!

Don't turn teacher, there's no return from the dark side.

"Use the ruler Aiden, use the ruler!"

Turning teacher your are, oohooh!

Sunday, May 22, 2005 4:17:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually its not that teacherish.
i picked up more than a few spelling mistakes in that blog. its the worse spelling i have seen on the blog- u must have been hungover.
I wish i went 2 see the gig 2.
Did u see hot german ass?

Monday, May 23, 2005 1:01:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I looked up "review" and "cog" this is not what I expected to find. Cog are by far the best rock band in Australia.

Thursday, May 26, 2005 7:38:00 PM


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