[description of blog is meant to go here. sorry we have nothing witty or creative to put here]

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Memorable Moments that you may have missed...becasue you weren't there or we didn't tell you

On the 24th December we moved out of home to a charming townhouse in Scarborough. The house is very good and has a balcony, a spa bath and kitchen and all of those things that houses usually have. We had an Australian flag hanging off the balcony but it got stolen. Devastated. Since we moved out many wonderful and entertaining things have happened...

  • Themed meals - Each time we cook a meal we dress up to match the nationality. So far we have been Italian (spag bog), Chinese (stir fry) and Indian (butter chicken). So in 3 weeks that is all the cooking we have done.
  • The laundromat - Near our house there is a laundromat with big dryers that we put our friends in and take photos of them. We are slowly building our photo collection. If you are reading this and have a picture of yourself in a dryer or washing machine or something equally as uncomfortable, feel free to send it to us!
  • No hot water - Our hot water system broke and was flooding out water into the backyard and we had no hot water for 5 days. FIVE DAYS!! We have discovered new found respect for those crazy people that have cold showers by choice. And for those unfortunate people who have cold showers not by choice.
  • Mind the step - We also have a local Pizza Shop which allows us to make our own pizzas. Probably not a great idea to let 2 drunk girls behind the counter but hey, we're sure it was as much of a lugh for them as it was for us. In return for them letting us make the pizza we stole their sign that says "Mind the Step" and has a great picture of a stick man falling up the stairs. We have placed this artwork at the foot of our staircase. It always provides a laguh.
  • Daim Fishgold - We bought three goldfish and unfortunately we managed to kill one of them within a week. Rest in Peace Daim, we loved you boggly fish eyes and flappy fins. We still have Murmel and Almondy Fishgold who we hope to keep alive for at least a month. Note to IKEA - Thanks for the creative names for your furniture, it inspired us in naming our fish.
  • The French Connection - While swimming at the beach one day we met some friendly French blokes who we invited over for lunch. They showed up 3 hours later and we dressed them up in aprons and feather boas and wigs and then took photos. Hehe

  • Being twins - We have been going out (quite a lot) and telling everyone that we are twins. Surprising how many people believe it really...
  • The map - Getting Matt the neighbour to draw us a map of how to get to his house to pick him up on the way to the beach. By neighbour, we mean next-door neighbour. He gave us some great advice...don't get lost down the Bermuda Lane.
  • Dress ups - Whenever we get bored...or even we are not bored we dress up for a laugh. Some memorable dress ups include the 80s dresses, the Australian/American theme, a wide range of hats, scarves and sunglasses (including our highly stylish aviators, bought from Hillarys for the bargain price of ten bucks)
  • Movie addictions - Zoolander. We say no more...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Saturday, February 12, 2005 1:51:00 AM


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