How did Mop get the pink shoes on?
Well... today is Mop's birthday and to celebrate we decided to have a night of pissiness (is that a word???? Is now...). So....we had a few people over for drinks (and dress ups) on the weekend which then resulted in us partying on in Northbridge at the Shed which is a new pub for those of you in the uk who are just not with it and then to Clubba where it seemed that everyone was ready to go home except for Mop. so everyone had to stay until she was ready to go home which was at about 4 oclock hehe dam no doze. Among the events of the night - here are some highlights: (the events listed in pink are the ones that mop remembers. all other events are mental blanks for poor alco mop)
- Ryan from Mop's work who somehow managed to get covered in pegs while wearig bunny ears and pink sunglasses and purple rubber gloves. sexy yeah. sources say that he had approx 72 pegs in his outfit valued at a whopping $4.78
- Suzie creating birthday badges for everyone. mop the birthday girl had big one which said "its my birthday so buy me a drink ps i'm wearing an american bikini under this dress" everyone else had "its not my birthday but can you buy me a drink anyway". suzie found one later in someones garden down the street which happpened to be scarborough beach road.
- The birthday cake. it was a brownie mix as opposed to a cake mix and the oven broke. say no more. ps pink icing doesnt go welll on a hot brownie cake thing. apparently mop ate some, didn' t like it so gave it to one of the boys like it was a piece just cut.
- Pool party baby it was a cool party cool pool party la la la la. suzie singing the whole "pool party song" while everybody else sat their stunned having never heard it before. (suzie recommends you all download it - pool party by aquabats)
- The action shots of shendelle, jono 81 and scotty jumping over poles outside clubba
- Suzie bought pizza that fell all over the floor and then got thrown all over everyone and all over the floor along with 10 thousand M&Ms.
- Shannon and mop buying everyone hungry jacks on the way home and then everyone expected them to pay for the taxi.. they gave everyone a bunch of fives.
- The mug that mop got as a present (and the flowers and a few other things...) that has a naked man on it and when it gets hot takes his pants off... apparently katie gave it to her.. and apparently katie was at the party.... hmmmm
- Suzie and shannon each wearing one of shannons shoes and one of carissas shoes at the pub. nobody knows where suzies shoes were, and why shannon looks so good in heels.
- Suzie sending a drunken email to carrie that jono 84 scribed for her, luke stealing mops wallabies jumper that was hidden in her room... he must have gone through everything like dirty undies to find it, thats about everything we can think of... for now.. we'll keep you posted on more dirty stories.
one more thing hehe... scotty's flacid penis. enough said. - the biggest questions of all: how did mop get the pink shoes on, how did mop put her shit in her bag, how did mop leave the house? (stories around the place say the night went black from well... we dont really remember... another hmmm) Lucky we have digital cameras and sent item boxes on mobile phones... and lovely friends that can fill in the gaps for the birthday girl...!
thanks all for a really good night and making it a memorable.. (well semi memorable!) one! looking forward to the next one.. suzie's bubble wrap party. See you all then. mwah xxx
ps mop has brown hair now. before the party it was white blonde.
so the question still remains....How DID Mop end up wearing the pink shoes? Maybe we will never know. We dont think anyone will ever truly know....Denernerner nernernerner (that is X-Files music)......
Hey girls, love the website its very funny :) Mop I got you into the pink shoes (and we chose pink cause I could find both shoes otherwise you would have been lopsided), got your handbag and all your stuff - i had to drive and therefore be boringly responsible (just jokes I had a great night). Missed you while I was away Char xxoo
Sunday, February 27, 2005 2:04:00 AM
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