The love of M&Ms
When we first moved in we bought a massive packet of M&Ms and sorted them all into colours (due to Suzie's anal retentiveness) and then layered them in a vase. It looked bloody great...for about 10 minutes and then we started eating the M&Ms and within a few days they were all gone. Other people kept eating them...they'd come over and say "Hey, those M&Ms look bloody great in that vase..." and then they start eating them and then we end up with no M&Ms. So because we are computer nerds we are no longer going to actually buy and eat the M&Ms, instead we will look up information about them on the net. We recommend this website which will tell you all about the freak peanuts of the giant M&Ms: Here is a fantastic magic trick. Kids, don't try this at home:
P.S Did you know.......In M&M candies, the letters stand for Mars and Murrie, the developers of the candy in 1941.
P.P.S Did you know......That the "M" was originally printed in black before it was changed to white in 1954?
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