Mop and Suzie’s theory on ... the cultural phenomenon of why we drink
Suzie works with a girl who does not drink. At all…ever…and never has. This should not be strange, but it made us realise that this is the ONLY person we know that is a TOTAL non-drinker. Sure, we know some people that only drink occasionally, or used to drink but do not any more. But this girl is a 23 year old Australian female that has never had so much of a taste of alcohol in her entire life. This got us thinking…Why has drinking become so socially acceptable to the point where it is more acceptable to be an alcoholic than it is to be a complete non-drinker?
Reasons why we drink Number 1 – Upbringing
We’re not sure about you guys, but did you ever get taken out with your parents when you were a child, where they would go to a pub and have drinks and noise and dancing and you would dance your little heart out on the stage? Did you get put under the table to sleep? Did you used to sit on Dad’s lap while he was drinking a beer and have the occasional sip? When we grow up seeing this behaviour as a standard part of adult life, it is really not surprising that we begin drinking in the first place.
Reasons why we drink Number 2 – Stress of modern life
Most jobs in today’s fast paced society involve a reasonable level of stress. There are always performance targets, more work to do than time allows and staff to contend with. With long working hours and busy lives outside of work, Australian workers often feel the need to have an alcoholic beverage to “wind down” after a long day or week. It also gives workmates a chance to gossip about things happening at work and bitch about various work realted people, places and things.
Reasons why we drink Number 3 – Social expectations
It is quite rare to find Australians between the ages of 17 and 24 that do not go to venues where alcohol is served on a regular basis. It is inevitable that attendance at these places is likely to lead to drinks being purchased and consumed, quite often in large amounts. Drinks are often bought in rounds and unless you have a legitimate reason for not drinking (such as being the designated driver or being on hardcore medication), a social expectation is that you will drink and keep up with the crew.
Reasons why we drink Number 4 – Boredom
Yes, we rave about how fantastic Perth is however it is not a city that is bursting with things to do that do not involve consumption of alcohol in any way, shape or form. If people were to attend the same places repeatedly it is sure that they would soon become bored of such locations. Drinking often solves this problem as it gives each location a different vibe and can dramatically change the events of the occasion. It also gives you great skills in inventing challenges or games that can provide relief from boredom.
Reasons why we drink Number 5 – To increase the attractiveness of the opposite sex.
It’s hard to pick up hotties all the time, especially in Perth which has a relatively low concentration of good looking men, so alcohol is a great aid in lowering your standards and helping you to meet members of the opposite sex. One of the other fantastic side effects of alcohol is the effect on memory, meaning that you can often forgot how mingin they actually were.
Reasons why we drink Number 1 – Upbringing
We’re not sure about you guys, but did you ever get taken out with your parents when you were a child, where they would go to a pub and have drinks and noise and dancing and you would dance your little heart out on the stage? Did you get put under the table to sleep? Did you used to sit on Dad’s lap while he was drinking a beer and have the occasional sip? When we grow up seeing this behaviour as a standard part of adult life, it is really not surprising that we begin drinking in the first place.
Reasons why we drink Number 2 – Stress of modern life
Most jobs in today’s fast paced society involve a reasonable level of stress. There are always performance targets, more work to do than time allows and staff to contend with. With long working hours and busy lives outside of work, Australian workers often feel the need to have an alcoholic beverage to “wind down” after a long day or week. It also gives workmates a chance to gossip about things happening at work and bitch about various work realted people, places and things.
Reasons why we drink Number 3 – Social expectations
It is quite rare to find Australians between the ages of 17 and 24 that do not go to venues where alcohol is served on a regular basis. It is inevitable that attendance at these places is likely to lead to drinks being purchased and consumed, quite often in large amounts. Drinks are often bought in rounds and unless you have a legitimate reason for not drinking (such as being the designated driver or being on hardcore medication), a social expectation is that you will drink and keep up with the crew.
Reasons why we drink Number 4 – Boredom
Yes, we rave about how fantastic Perth is however it is not a city that is bursting with things to do that do not involve consumption of alcohol in any way, shape or form. If people were to attend the same places repeatedly it is sure that they would soon become bored of such locations. Drinking often solves this problem as it gives each location a different vibe and can dramatically change the events of the occasion. It also gives you great skills in inventing challenges or games that can provide relief from boredom.
Reasons why we drink Number 5 – To increase the attractiveness of the opposite sex.
It’s hard to pick up hotties all the time, especially in Perth which has a relatively low concentration of good looking men, so alcohol is a great aid in lowering your standards and helping you to meet members of the opposite sex. One of the other fantastic side effects of alcohol is the effect on memory, meaning that you can often forgot how mingin they actually were.
thank you for such an insightful piece of work. you have now given me the perfect excuse and answer to those who call me alcoholic... I too also have a friend here who does not drink at all. This does not explain however why her foot prints are on the pub wall from a particuarly damn good maneuver with her legs wrapped around a pals head... Can you tell me why she did this if she was not drinking? :P
Saturday, May 21, 2005 6:00:00 PM
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