Mop and Suzie's theory on... skinny jeans
One thing that stands out in both our minds right now is the Supre ad on TV. It is not just the fact that we haven't like the majority of Supre clothing for a long time now (just seemed to have grown out of it or something?!), but also the fact that they are advertising skinny jeans.
Reason why we hate skinny jeans number 1:
What happens if you don't have skinny legs? You don't see anybody advertising fat leg jeans. Or fat arse jeans. No, it is just skinny leg jeans.
Reason why we hate skinny jeans number 2:
Skinny people don't even look good in them! It seems that no matter how anorexic or drug worn you are, skinny jeans give you the most unflattering figure. They make your arse look huge - now you can see the problem this causes when not so skinny people where them.
Reason why we hate skinny jeans number 3:
80s clothes were not even cool in the 80s, so why try and reinvent this most stupid fashion? We are suprised that the girls at Go Fug Yourself have not had more to say about this.
Reason why we hate skinny jeans number 4:
The 80s rock look also seems to have had its day. People try and pull off this rock look and they just seem to end up looking like some pyscho-crazy rich-girl gothic chick. We suggest wearing a dress or a skirt or other jeans instead.
Reason why we hate skinny jeans number 5:
Bootleg jeans were one of the best inventions ever for the fact that you can cover up your shoes. The Jerry Seinfeld look seems to be reappearing because people are wearing sneakers with their skinny leg jeans. Not Cool. The last time we encounted Jerry Seinfeld fashion was at a pub in Jindibyne by a seedy old male that was trying to crack onto us (well, Shendelle and Mop at least, Suz would have hated it too) which was really not cool.
Once again, if you didn't get the point: WE HATE SKINNY JEANS.
Amen to that (And Im not even religious) !!!!
And yes Mr Sneekers and Skinny Legs jeans is as bad as the girls described - he was the token single guy who was on a skiing holiday with his friends who were all married (they were all about 50) and he thought that Mop or Myself might want to be his tour guide when he came to Perth this Summer - i pretend that my phone rang and pretend to speak to Geoff and when i got off the phone i said to Mop that Geoff was waiting out the front of the pub for us so we could do a runner from the token single guy and his friends - it was rather genius if u ask me! Hence another GREAT REASON to HATE SKINNY JEANS
Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:57:00 AM
Totally sorry but I love skinny jeans
Sorry but I dooooo love them!!!
even with my current food/beer baby I still love them!
Its just genius to me that you can wear boots over jeans, pure gold
apologies for the whole abandoning sisterhood thing.
However... girls with mullets,now theres an 80's comeback issue that needs addressing
Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:35:00 PM
Oh my god Jenn Mullets rock - maybe not so hot on chicks but give them credit for trying!
Friday, October 21, 2005 9:39:00 AM
There is only one hope. Tight jeans reduce sperm count, so guys that wear skinny jeans will eventually become infertile, thus failing to pass on the skinny-jean-loving gene. It will take a whole generation, but this awful fashion cycle will be broken.
In the meantime, just point and laugh.
Saturday, October 22, 2005 8:12:00 AM
Also were you aware that the longer and bushier the mullet the smaller the brainsize (this is particularly true for men).
It has been follicularly proven.
Monday, October 24, 2005 7:58:00 PM
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