Suzie's theory on ... why sea otters are the smartest animals
There sems to be a common misconception that apes, dolphins, labradors and other assorted animals are the smartest creatures aside from humans on Earth. Recent research by Suzie has found that in fact sea otters are much smarter than all of the above animals for a number of reasons.
Sea otters are vastly underestimated for their intelligence. For what reason, we do not know. They are a cute creature and are part of the Weasel family, perhaps these two features of otters are part of their demise when people are considering making value judgements of the intelliegnec of various animals. This article aims to inform you of some of the amazing things that sea otters do, so that you too will realise how intelligent they really are.
Reason why otters are the most intelligent animal number 1: They are the only tool-using marine mammal
As sea otters are carnivores their prime diet consists of shellfish such as clams, mussels, urchins, crabs and abalone. They float on their back, put a stone on their belly and use it as an anvil, cracking shellfish and mussels against it repeatedly to crack the shell. They usually keep a favourite rock and use it many times. Bloody genius.
Reason why otters are the most intelligent animal number 2: They can sleep in water without floating away
Personal experience has shown that it is quite difficult to sleep in the ocean without drowning drifting away. Sea ottters have very cleverly overcome this problem. They wrap pieces of seaweed or kelp around themselves to keep them anchored whilst sleeping. Bet you didnt think of doing that?
Reason why otters are the most intelligent animal number 3: They avoided extinction
It has been said that otters would likely be extinct by now because of their valuable pelts (fur) which are worth up to $1200 each. Humans helped stop this fur trade, but it is likely that this was becasue of a couple of very smart actions by the sea otters: they would nuzzle up to hunters that were about to club them to death. They would also turn away from the hunters and cover their eyes with their forepaws. How could you knock off a little creature doing that? These otters are working the moves....
Interesting facts about sea otters:
- They are very noisy and use a range of noises to communicate various needs
- They are agile enough to take buttons, belts, rings, and things in pockets with ease that only comes from pickpockets.
- The Sea Otter will use its paws to stash food from the bottom of the ocean in baggy pockets of skin under its forelegs.
- They can live up to 23 years
- Some male sea otters can weigh up to 45 kilos
- Groups of otters are called rafts
- They eat up to 25% of their body weight each day to survive
- Sea otter babies are nearly as big as their mothers (ouch)
- They are the onyl marine mammals to have fur instead of blubber
- Otters are believed to have lived on Earth for 30 million years
- When mating the male otter holds on to the female otter's face with his teeth. The female otter often has scars to remind her of the encounter.
- They are one of the only animals that eat sea urchins, so they keep the sea urchin population down, preventing destruction of kelp species.
So there you have it...otters are both interesting and intelligent...just like the creators of this website haha
To find out more about sea otters, try these websites:
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