[description of blog is meant to go here. sorry we have nothing witty or creative to put here]

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Reasons Why You Should Come to Base on Saturday the 9th July

  1. To celebrate having friends like Mop and Suzie having parties for no reason in particular
  2. Cheap drinks - $3 local beers, $4.50 Premium Beers
  3. To save Mop and Suzie the hassle of cleaning their house after you make a mess
  4. Cheap drinks - $3.50 Basic Sprits, $5.50 Top Spirits, $6 Premium Spirits
  5. You get to hang out with hundreds (we hope) of great people that we consder friends (and maybe some random internet stalkers)
  6. Cheap drinks - Wine from $5, Champagne from $3.50
  7. If it is crap then there are lots of other places you can go...after consuming...
  8. Cheap drinks - Cocktails from $5...these truly are some of the best cocktails in Perth. You cannot go past a $6 double shot capiroska!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the most important reason of all is that I WILL BE THERE!!!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005 8:46:00 AM


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