[description of blog is meant to go here. sorry we have nothing witty or creative to put here]

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Shizzle Pot

Seeing as we seem to be running out of things to blog about we have started a "Friends Page." This can be found at http://shizzlepot.blogspot.com. If you would like to be included on this page please e-mail us at mop_and_suzie@ozemail.com.au with the answers to at least 5 of these questions:

1. Your connection to Mop and/or Suz
2. Your most embarrassing moment
3. What you do for a living
4. Most memorable moment
5. Person (dead or alive) that you would most like to meet and why
6. A random fact (or facts) about you that not many people know
7. Favourite place in the world and why
8. Worst drunken moment
9. Describe your plan to take over the world
10. Everyone knows you're around around when they hear the words...
11. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
12. Song that you can't get out of your head
13. Your worst habit / idiosyncrasy
14. Favourite quote
15. If you could be any kitchen utensil, what would you be and why?


Say something nice about us!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Why We Like ... Thong Socks

What are thong socks?

You may have been asking this question for a while now... or at least the 2.5 seconds it took you to read up to here. Well now, the question is at your fingertips....erm...toes.

Thong socks are one of those timeless inventions with a great deal of useful purposes. People may wonder what the point of wearing sock with thongs is. Those people have obviously not discovered the many benefits of this great creation.

1. No need to worry about entry to places that require "shoes and socks"

2. Comfort - no more thongs that rub the sides of your feet. Thong socks will protect your feet from blisters.

3. Warmth - for those days when it's really too cold to wear thongs but you want to because they are so damn comfortable.

4. Style - As you can see, this highly stylish form of footwear is sure to set trends.

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5. Multi-functional - Thing socks can be used for such purposes as: hand warmer; g-string for toys (or small animals), hair lacky, stubby holder.

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Monday, July 18, 2005

Stubbs invites you to ROCK OUT

Saturday 23rd July (yes, this weekend)

9:30 till whenever you pass out

The Shed Northbridge for cheap drinks
Then Black Betty's for the rest of the night

Rockstar. Come as your fav rockstar of the 60s, 70s or 80s
(Any excuse to dress up hey...)

Monday, July 11, 2005

It's Happy Bunny

As you may be aware, we have tendencies to buy random crap, often on impulse. The latest purchase was by Suzie who bought two It's Happy Bunny Books entitled Love Bites and Life. Get One.

These books are vastly entertaining on a number of levels. It could be said that these books fit into the 'Mop and Suzie Humour' category.

This website allows you to send Happy Bunny cards and play a Happy Bunny game.... http://www.itshappybunnybooks.com/

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Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Party of the Century

As most of you are aware, we had our party on Saturday night at The Base in Northbridge. We feel the event was quite successful and are even considering holding the "Annual Mop and Suzie Shindig", so watch out y'all, same time next year we'll be doing it all again.

Unfortunately a vast majority of the night is a blur so we have written two possible recounts of the night's events

Mop's Point of View

From the moment the cork was pulled out of the wine bottle, we knew that it was going to be a horrid evening. The pre-drinks at our house resulted in a window being smashed, and a bottle of red wine over the floor. The car ride into the city was horrendous, speeding in and out of traffic, swerving all over the road, and having a rather dramatic police chase through the city. Once the cocktails started at Base though, it really was all over. People were smashing bottles over other people's heads, throwing punches, it was lucky really that the whole place didn't break out in a riot. Some were spewing up in bins, others were having sex in public toilets (how shameful), I think that at one point the bar staff were refusing to serve us drinks. I distinctly remember hearing Shendelle yell "If you don't buy me a drink muther-fucker, I'm going to ram this fist up your arse," to some poor, undeserving young male who obviously was just not that into her.

As for me, I somehow managed to get a cab home - don't actually remember how or where I got it from - got locked out of my house, destroyed my phone, somehow managed to call a good friend who kindly picked me up in the early hours of the morning, arrived just in time before I became hypothermic, and gave me a couch to sleep on. (Thanks Luke & Browny, owe you one!) On that note, Browny and I had an interesting conversation, just moments before I passed out on the couch:
Mop: "Browny, where is the toilet?"
Browny: "Mop, you know where the toilet is. You have been here several times."
Mop: "Oh, that's right."

Personal highlight of the evening:
Buying cocktails and only drinking half of them as the other half kept ending up on the floor. Lucky they were cheap.

Suzie's Point of View

It was a lovely crisp winter's eve and we had an enjoyable soiree to look forward to. To prepare for the night ahead we had a few quiet drinks in the comfort of our home, listening to Andy Williams and engaging in discussions abot world politics and technology in society.

This discussion continued during our drive to the cosmopolitan pulse of Perth. Upon arriving at Base Cocktail Lounge we embraced the stylish and sophisticated surroundings and made ourselves comfortable on the luxurious leather couches. We admired the opulence of the exclusive area in which we were seated as we perused the extensive cocktail menu. To maintain out responsible and dignified reputation we chose a select few cocktails to sample and enjoyed the wonderful flavours.

It was decided that a change of location was in order and the guests of the soiree had chosen to visit a quaint destination known as The Shed. Unfortunately, I somehow managed to lose everyone at this stage, however quite enjoyed the moonlight stroll. Upon arriving at the Shed a very large line was observable and it was decided that we should visit the classy establishment, Black Betty's instead. Witty banter was enjoyed as we anticipated our entrance. A lovely girl with a red top was very helpful in gaining free entry for me through a strategy known as "pretend you have a stamp then run."

The company at this location was excellent and many entertaining moments were enjoyed here. Due to the high level of enjoyment experienced at this location, the time flew by and it all too suddenly became apparent that it was after 4am and it may be a good idea to go home and rest. A intelligent conversation with a nice fella was not enough to earn him a kiss due to his unfortunate and distasteful habit of smoking. We did, however allow him to pay for our taxi.

It was indubitable that a great night was had by all invited guests, whilst maintaining our classy and respectable social standing.

Personal highlights of the evening:
Finding some boys who like the same music as me so I will no longer be 'Suzie the Hard Core Loner.' They also liked buying me drinks and it would have been rude to refuse their offers.
Having a 13 minute phone conversation to a poor, sick, sober person and having no recollection of what was said. I bet it was a highlight of his night too haha.
Finding out that an esteemed close friend had been involved in disabled toilet shenanigans.
Meeting a new person who will now be known as 'token gay friend.'

If you came out with us for the occasion it would be lovely to hear some feedback on the events of the night as the above descriptions may not be entirely accurate.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Good News!

Carrie is OK!!!!

Havent heard about Jen and Kel yet..let me know if you hear anything!!

Bloody terrorists...


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mop says: Anything can be fixed with Gaffa Tape

This conversation occurred as Mop tried to persuade Suzie to come out, despite her recent devastating break-up.

Suzie: My pink shoes are broken though.
Mop: I can fix them....got some gaffa tape?

*Disclaimer - Suzie may be the only one that found this hilariously funny.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

New and Innovative...

....ways to use a lettuce leaf stolen from a Northbridge Kebab shop at 1am on a Sunday morning....

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This was a highly entertaining night, we must say. Itinerary included: Paddo, Deen, Elephant & the Wheelbarrow, Paramount, Llama Bar.

* Please note - We do not endorse the stealing of lettuce leaves from Kebab shops.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Reasons Why You Should Come to Base on Saturday the 9th July

  1. To celebrate having friends like Mop and Suzie having parties for no reason in particular
  2. Cheap drinks - $3 local beers, $4.50 Premium Beers
  3. To save Mop and Suzie the hassle of cleaning their house after you make a mess
  4. Cheap drinks - $3.50 Basic Sprits, $5.50 Top Spirits, $6 Premium Spirits
  5. You get to hang out with hundreds (we hope) of great people that we consder friends (and maybe some random internet stalkers)
  6. Cheap drinks - Wine from $5, Champagne from $3.50
  7. If it is crap then there are lots of other places you can go...after consuming...
  8. Cheap drinks - Cocktails from $5...these truly are some of the best cocktails in Perth. You cannot go past a $6 double shot capiroska!

Mop and Suzie's Theory On ... the Notion of Celebrity

The word celebrity is derived from the Latin word celebrits meaning famous. It seems that the path to fame is becoming easier and easier and the notion of celebrity is becoming more and more pathetic.

It would make sense for people to become famous as a result of great achievement. This may entail intellectual ability, sporting achievements or outstanding artistic ability shown in the form of singing, dancing, acting, artwork or other creative pursuits. Even extremely good genetic make-up can be a reason for a person to be appreciated by the public. Celebrities should be role models for children and adults to aspire to. They should make a positive contribution to society and be deserving of the financial gain that results from their achievements.

There are quite a few people that have taken on the questionable role of celebrity in our society. Is this a reflection on us as consumers of the media? Have we created a new sterotype to be associated with the notion of celebrity? We have noted a few so-called celebrities that are surely not deserving of such status.

Crap Example of Celebrity Number 1: Paris Hilton
So, like, all i like need to do to be like all famous and stuff is to like have a rich dad and like spend lots of my rich dad's money on like making myself look hot. I can just like dress like a blind hooker and hang out with people who are hot and then like get drunk and like publicly shag some hot famous guys. I know! Maybe I could make some porn vidoes or I could like go on TV on a show about me...then I would be really famous.

Crap Example of Celebrity Number 2: Big Brother Contestants
"I decided to go on Big Brother for the experience. I thought it would be a really great experience and not many people get to have an experience like this" can be translated to "I decided to go on Big Brother for the exposure. I thought it would be a really great way for me to get my face on TV and be recognised on the street to feed my attention-seeking personality so that I can feel better about myself. I don't have any true talents to be recognised for so I will instead be recognised for having sex on TV and being an annoying/ chauvanisitic / whinging / boring / shallow / insensitive / unintelligent fuck-wit."

Crap Example of Celebrity Number 3: Royalty
Now, it feels wrong to insult royalty but really, what did they do to earn their positions? Perhaps back in the day there was a reason for being elected as royalty but now, all you need to do is marry some tosser with big ears and you are all over the media, certainly obtaining celebrity status.

Crap Example of Celebrity Number 4: Anna Nicole Smith
Now this is perhaps the worst form of celebrity yet. If you are not getting enough attention as a stripper, try marrying a very old, very rich man. Be big and loud and abnoxious, get gigantic breast implants and wait for the old man to kick the bucket. Get loads of money and a TV show about your incredibly dull and superficial life and BAM! You are famous. (To change this example to Rose Porteous, just replace stripper with dirty hooker)

Crap Example of Celebrity Number 5: Talentless actress turned talentless singer
Needs no further explanation. Examples include Tammin Sursok, Holly Valance, Bec Cartwright etc.

Some examples of people that we think actually deserve celebrity status:
  1. John Howard
  2. Anthony Hopkins
  3. Ian Thorpe
  4. Angelina Jolie
  5. Ben Stiller
  6. Michael Jackson (as entertainer, not child molester)
  7. Powderfinger
  8. Rupert Murdoch
  9. Richard Branson
  10. Madonna
  11. The Wiggles

Friday, July 01, 2005

The Party of the Century has arrived...

10, 000 minus 7,000 hits party
Saturday July 9th, 2005
The Base, Northbridge - the exclusive room
from 9:00pm
$3.50 house spirits and $5 starting cocktails... really, that is a bargain.
***Please arrive between 9:00 and 10:00pm else you may miss out***
(Just mention "Mop and Suzie" and you'll get in...)

So basically, we have decided to throw at party for anyone and everyone (thought that our house might not be appropriate)... and we really have no reason to have a party other than to celebrate nothing with all our friends and randoms...

We shall see you all there, will be a great night!