As most of you are aware, we had our party on Saturday night at The Base in Northbridge. We feel the event was quite successful and are even considering holding the "Annual Mop and Suzie Shindig", so watch out y'all, same time next year we'll be doing it all again.
Unfortunately a vast majority of the night is a blur so we have written two possible recounts of the night's events
Mop's Point of View
From the moment the cork was pulled out of the wine bottle, we knew that it was going to be a horrid evening. The pre-drinks at our house resulted in a window being smashed, and a bottle of red wine over the floor. The car ride into the city was horrendous, speeding in and out of traffic, swerving all over the road, and having a rather dramatic police chase through the city. Once the cocktails started at Base though, it really was all over. People were smashing bottles over other people's heads, throwing punches, it was lucky really that the whole place didn't break out in a riot. Some were spewing up in bins, others were having sex in public toilets (how shameful), I think that at one point the bar staff were refusing to serve us drinks. I distinctly remember hearing Shendelle yell "If you don't buy me a drink muther-fucker, I'm going to ram this fist up your arse," to some poor, undeserving young male who obviously was just not that into her.
As for me, I somehow managed to get a cab home - don't actually remember how or where I got it from - got locked out of my house, destroyed my phone, somehow managed to call a good friend who kindly picked me up in the early hours of the morning, arrived just in time before I became hypothermic, and gave me a couch to sleep on. (Thanks Luke & Browny, owe you one!) On that note, Browny and I had an interesting conversation, just moments before I passed out on the couch:
Mop: "Browny, where is the toilet?"
Browny: "Mop, you know where the toilet is. You have been here several times."
Mop: "Oh, that's right."
Personal highlight of the evening:
Buying cocktails and only drinking half of them as the other half kept ending up on the floor. Lucky they were cheap.
Suzie's Point of View
It was a lovely crisp winter's eve and we had an enjoyable soiree to look forward to. To prepare for the night ahead we had a few quiet drinks in the comfort of our home, listening to Andy Williams and engaging in discussions abot world politics and technology in society.
This discussion continued during our drive to the cosmopolitan pulse of Perth. Upon arriving at Base Cocktail Lounge we embraced the stylish and sophisticated surroundings and made ourselves comfortable on the luxurious leather couches. We admired the opulence of the exclusive area in which we were seated as we perused the extensive cocktail menu. To maintain out responsible and dignified reputation we chose a select few cocktails to sample and enjoyed the wonderful flavours.
It was decided that a change of location was in order and the guests of the soiree had chosen to visit a quaint destination known as The Shed. Unfortunately, I somehow managed to lose everyone at this stage, however quite enjoyed the moonlight stroll. Upon arriving at the Shed a very large line was observable and it was decided that we should visit the classy establishment, Black Betty's instead. Witty banter was enjoyed as we anticipated our entrance. A lovely girl with a red top was very helpful in gaining free entry for me through a strategy known as "pretend you have a stamp then run."
The company at this location was excellent and many entertaining moments were enjoyed here. Due to the high level of enjoyment experienced at this location, the time flew by and it all too suddenly became apparent that it was after 4am and it may be a good idea to go home and rest. A intelligent conversation with a nice fella was not enough to earn him a kiss due to his unfortunate and distasteful habit of smoking. We did, however allow him to pay for our taxi.
It was indubitable that a great night was had by all invited guests, whilst maintaining our classy and respectable social standing.
Personal highlights of the evening:
Finding some boys who like the same music as me so I will no longer be 'Suzie the Hard Core Loner.' They also liked buying me drinks and it would have been rude to refuse their offers.
Having a 13 minute phone conversation to a poor, sick, sober person and having no recollection of what was said. I bet it was a highlight of his night too haha.
Finding out that an esteemed close friend had been involved in disabled toilet shenanigans.
Meeting a new person who will now be known as 'token gay friend.'
If you came out with us for the occasion it would be lovely to hear some feedback on the events of the night as the above descriptions may not be entirely accurate.