A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
Episode 1: A New Novelty Item
There is unrest in the Mop and Suz household. The girls have declared their intentions to drink lots of alcohol. This alcoholic movement, under the leadership of Count Vodka, is difficult due to the limited number of mixers to maintain peace and order in the Cosmop. Cranberry Juice is vital to the mission. The journey to the place of Cranberry was fraught with danger, ferocious dogs and scary old men at every corner. On reaching the shops, it was realised that in order to complete the evening's mission of getting drunk and laughing lots, ping pong balls must be purchased.
It is a period of civil war. Rebels Mop and Suz, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil neighbour. The evil neighbour's base is catapulted with the first of 12 ping pong balls. During the battle, Neighbour spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Ping Ping Ball, a supersonic plastic implement with enough power to destroy an entire planet.
Episode 3: The Phantom Ping Pong Attack
Turmoil has engulfed the Mop and Suzie household. The upstairs / downstairs route is in dispute. The steps are plagued with supersonic plastic implements, leading to exteme Occupational Health and Safety risks. While the congress of the Neighbour endlessly denies this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Neighbour is a prime suspect.
Episode 4: The Empire of Mop and Suz strikes back
It is a dark time for Mop and Suz. Although the Occupational Health and Safety risk has been destroyed, the threat of further attack looms. Evading the dreaded stairway Ping Pong Extravaganza, a group of freedom fighters led by Mop and Suzie have dispatched thousands of remote Ping Pong Balls into the far reaches of the evil neighbours vehicle...
Episode 5: Revenge of the Neighbour
War! The Neighbour is crumbling under attacks by the ruthless Mop and Suzie. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere.
Coming Soon
Episode 6: Return of the Sanity