The 30 Day challenge: It's all over...
For those of you that are not regular readers (bah!), the writers of "The Adventures of Mop and Suzie" took up the challenge of not buying alcohol and not paying for taxis for 30 days (25th April - 25th May). Mop lasted 10 days, Suzie came in at a whopping 18 days. Aside from the fact that we have both discovered that we do not have the mental or physical strength to accept such a challenge, we can't but help think that our exuces are perfectly legitimate, and anyone in the same situation would do as we did.
Lame excuse for failing the 30 Day Challenge Number 1:
Mop and Shendelle went to Black Betty's on Day 10. The previous time Mop had visited this wonderful pub, she happened to get spewed all over by some lovely patron. Having the ordacity to go there again, the only way to overcome the memory of this past painful night was to drown her sorrows with alcohol, so at least if it happened again, she could spew right back on them.
Lame excuse for failing the 30 Day Challenge Number 2:
It turns out that when somebody gives you a lift to the pub, and then wants to leave, and you don't want to, the only way to get home is to catch a cab - and then pay for it. Enough said.
Lame excuse for failing the 30 Day Challenge Number 3:
We soon discovered that in Perth it is sometimes difficult to get people to buy you drinks. The only way to overcome this problem is to buy them yourself. In addition to this, if someones buys a round of drinks, the only polite thing to do is buy a round back.
Lame excuse for failing the 30 Day Challenge Number 4:
We have discovered that alcohol really does make people better looking, better dancers, and more interesting to talk to. If you're having a bit of trouble picking up, at least alcohol can make that 19 year old seem so much more appealing.
Lame excuse for failing the 30 Day Challenge Number 5:
We owed it to Shendelle... she couldn't stand drinking by herself, it's just no fun... and if one of our friends is bored and unhappy, we can't but not help them out. Drinks all round we say!